Sharp driver 1.13
Sharp driver 1.13

sharp driver 1.13

BTW I have Sigma 8-16 which works fine on D500 with updated FW and also works fine on D810 with updated FW. Interesting that I have not heard this happening with Tokina or Tamron, also thing party lenses.

sharp driver 1.13

I fully understand I might be waiting a long time for that apology, but Nikon's wait for my money will be even longer. I have no intention of buying another Nikon body until and unless Nikon clearly states that this happened by negligence and not by design and publicly apologizes.

sharp driver 1.13

While none of us can prove it beyond any doubt, on the balance of probabilities Nikon is intentionally sabotaging lenses from other manufacturers. I was seriously considering buying an 850, until this happened to me. I do think they don't believe it is their problem if a third party lens bricks with their new firmware. I don't think, or don't believe, that nikon intentionally disables third party lens functionality on purpose with a firmware upgrade.


Realistically, since Nikon has no real access to Sigma software, they were/are probably unaware of what their P lens software update would do to any 3rd party lenses. I have seen no complaints about newer design Sigmas getting bricked at all, just the older ones. When you think about it, If Nikon were intentionally out to get Sigma, they would be bricking the Art and Sport lenses, not the older ones. Nikon, Canon, Sony, etc are not open source and do not help third party lenses manufactures. Yep, I can tell you that they DEF do not go out of their way to keep things working. Which is what they should be doing unless there's a real and substantial reason for breaking compatibility (i.e. We also have no evidence that they go out of their way to keep things working. We have no evidence whatsoever that's how they think. I imagine nikon software people noting to their managers that a side effect of the new firmware is screwing with sigma. It's not like Nikon has users migrating to them in droves these days. As in - people may choose a different brand. With the Sigma ART lenses being so popular, if it becomes known that one camera manufacturer messes with them needlessly, that might backfire. If that's their attitude, they're stupid.


Sigma lenses have become a hot item for many nikon users over the last few years, with the ART series in particular.


I know this will sound like shutting barn door after the horses have bolted, but I never upgrade firmware after getting a stable, reliable working lens/body combo. And there is nothing on the Sigma site either. I would go back to the 1.12 firmware version but it is not available on Nikon's site.

sharp driver 1.13

Has anyone had this issue? How did you you fix it? I can focus it manually and have the confirmation in the screen but no AF. Hi, I juist updated the firmware in my D810 to the 1.13 version and my Sigma lens (12-24 EX DG HSM) stopped workin: it does not auto focus anymore.

Sharp driver 1.13